No, it is not couscous! - Akandje, Côte d'Ivoire - 2021
It was not love at first sight that’s for sure, it was one of those “grow on you” style loves, but the first time it brushed my lips, the burning heat I felt deep down below in the pit of my stomach was intoxicating, something like I had never felt before. That new love in my life was Acheke, also spelled Attiéké or Akyeke (not that I could spell it correctly without google) the West African side dish made from Cassava.
By god she is beautiful, the ivorians claim her as their own, but other African states would beg to differ, either way I don’t care, I don’t have dog in this fight but I did want to learn more of how she came into being and that’s where this series partially satisfies that, we found a whole village community that produces thousands of kilos per year of the stuff and supplies much of the southern regions of Côte d'Ivoire.
p.s. and no it is not couscous!!!